Monday, 17 September 2018

Riddles by Maya Hattingh

Q: A one story house is pink, the roof is pink, walls are pink and the floor is pink, everything is pink. What colour are the stairs?
A: There are no stairs in that house.

Q: The Gautrain is going south and the wind is blowing north. Which way is the smoke going?
A: The Gautrain is not a steam train - there is no smoke.

Q: What question can you never answer YES to?
A: Are you asleep?

Q: What has eyes but cannot see, a tongue but cannot taste and a sole that that doesn't feel?
A: A Shoe.

Q: What is the best thing to put in a pie?
A: Your Teeth.

Q: What goes all the way up to the door but never enters?
A: The Steps.

Q: A very important man was flying on a plane. His security guard ran up to him and told him to get off the plane as he had a dream that this plane was going to crash. The man fired him immediately. Why?
A: He was sleeping on the job.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Welcome back to Term 3 at PCS - by the Newspaper Club collaboratively

It has been a wonderful holiday. We hope you enjoy this school term coming up! We are all excited to be back at school, and wish everyone a successful and fulfilling last term of the year! And it is spring time in the Southern Hemisphere, so Happy Spring to everyone! We are all looking forward to the end of this year. The weather needs to be reminded that it's spring, as it decided to snow in Sneeuberg over the weekend and had us taking out warm clothes again. Winter be gone! Hello spring! Hello Term 3!

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